Digital TVET: Shaping the Future of Skills Development in a Digital Age

Digital TVET: Shaping the Future of Skills Development in a Digital Age

The global workforce is undergoing a metamorphosis driven by relentless technological advancements. Automation, artificial intelligence, and the burgeoning digital economy demand a new breed of worker – one equipped with adaptable skillsets and a lifelong learning mindset. In this dynamic landscape, Technical and Vocational Education and…
Empowering the Next Generation: A Comprehensive Guide to Pre-Vocational Curriculum Development in Bangladesh

Empowering the Next Generation: A Comprehensive Guide to Pre-Vocational Curriculum Development in Bangladesh

In a rapidly evolving world, the need for a skilled workforce becomes increasingly critical. Bangladesh, with its young and vibrant population, stands at a crucial juncture. Equipping its youth with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the dynamic job market is paramount. Pre-vocational education…