Delivering the closing remarks as Chief Guest at an Entrepreneurship Skills and Financial Literacy training session in Khulna, Bangladesh, as part of the GIZ’s UMIMCC…
I am in team of Communication materials development of UMIMCC project
We are ready with communication materials of UMIMCC project. I was in team of developing communication materials. #umimcc #giz #gfa #kmmhasan #kmmahmudhasan
Facilitating a half-day capacity building course on delivering training to adult learners with Caritas Trainers (Model E)
Facilitating a half-day capacity building course on delivering training to adult learners with Caritas Trainers (Model E) under GIZ UMIMCC project. Skills part implement by…
চলো মেনে নিলাম (আরশিকথা) – রুমানা রেজা -আবৃতিতে খান মোহাম্মদ মাহমুদ হাসান
চলো মেনে নিলাম (আরশিকথা) – রুমানা রেজা -আবৃতিতে খান মোহাম্মদ মাহমুদ হাসান
Discussing with the participants with Mentoring session regarding their business’s SWOT
Discussing with the participants with Mentoring session regarding their business’s SWOT under UMIMCC Project Implemented by Giz Bangladesh and Skill Part implemented by GFA Consulting…
E-Business Essentials: An Introduction to the Digital Frontier
Commerce is the exchange of goods or services between parties using money or a barter system. Electronic commerce (e-business) is commerce via Electronic Data Interchange…
Delivering Speech at Closing Ceremony of EST Batches under GIZ UMIMCC Project
Today I was delivering the closing Speech at the Closing Ceremony of Entrepreneurship Skill Training (EST) and Financial Literacy Training Batch 09 and Batch 10…
Organize and conduct Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Career Counselling and Private Sector Forum (PSF)
I was organizing, Conducting and host the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Career Counselling and Private Sector Forum (PSF). Beneficiaries, Training Service Providers (TSPs) and…
Visit with team to Khulna Shipyard Ltd for a future partnership with UMIMCC project
Visit with team to Khulna Shipyard Ltd for a future partnership with UMIMCC project. The objective of the project, The living conditions of climate migrants…
আমি হয়তো মানুষ নই-নির্মলেন্দু গুণ . আবৃতিতে খাঁন মোহাম্মদ মাহমুদ হাসান
আমি হয়তো মানুষ নই-নির্মলেন্দু গুণ . আবৃতিতে খাঁন মোহাম্মদ মাহমুদ হাসান